Explore how the set editions of woman and Adbusters appeal to their audiences. audiences are appealed to by codes and conventions of the magazine genre or category, e.g similarities or differences Adbusters targets their audience by not appealing to gender- stereotypes. they target audiences with similar values, morals, ideals and of similar class (middle class) instead of gender, as seen by the androgynous model on the double page spread. the set texts Adbusters and woman are different in the ways they appeal and target their preferred audience.
Adbusters + woman revision
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What is the dominant ideological perspective of Adbusters? What is the ideology/ethos of Adbusters?- anarchist, anti-capitalism and anti-consumerist culture. reject social h How does Adbusters subvert traditional magazine conventions, especially in relation to advertising? How does the magazine interact with its audience? front cover- very little text, unconventional, hard to identify as a magazine. does have some conventions on the side but in smaller print. women magazine voyeristic scene in the max factor advert, implying women are to be looked at, spectacles for men. the makeup is whats making her appear attractive. conservative magazine, very boring for the time (socio-economical context). done to keep and maintain a dedicated audience to make money. Alfred hitchcock interview, refers to women as similar to inanimate objects furter reinforces and literally objectifies women. says theyre "magic' because they are passive and polite, suggesting he finds the opposite (an act...
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To what extent do representations of gender reflect the socioeconomic context of the TV shows you have studied? Make reference to Humans and Les Revenants both les revenants and humans, representation of gender are constructed to reflect the socioeconomic contexts of the time. les revenants social context- traditional gender roles have been mostly dispersed at the time of the show. a good example is lena walking economic context- France was booming in the economy at the time of the shows release. Humans social context- nuclear family, typical and traditional in the uk, becoming less so. the Hawkins family reinforce this idea even though it is set in modern Britain. stereotypical mum and dad, however at first we see the gender roles are reversed as Laura is a lawyer who is working overtime and Joe is at home looking after the children. this is subverting gender roles, which reflects the shift in gender roles in greater society at the time of the show. Judith but...
Riptide practise
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Consider how the combination of elements of media language influences meaning and intertextuality is polysemic makes intertextual references to film genre e.g. horror films seen by the use of darker lighting, iconography such as the ouija board and woman singing with her ruined makeup and blood (symbolic code for danger, creates meaning). cowboy genre- American western films. dream like sequence as things don't make sense in the way they're put together. intertextual references to occult practices e.g ouija and tarot cards. short fast paced editing that follow the lyrics, very literal interpretations can make it stand out from other music videos that are often more poetic and have one narrative that moves along. makes lots or differences to films. doesn't give the audience time to process and understand the meaning as if they don't want us to understand. mismatch of videos and meaning sexualisation of women + damsel in distress character. parodying genres...
comparing les revenants and humans.
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WHAT MEDIA LANGUAGE IS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PRODUCT? AND HOW DOES IT CREATE MULTIPLE MEANINGS? purpose of media language plysemy and multiple meanings challenge ideology of humans encoding and decoding of meanings target audience key scenes intro to les revenants "camille" we dont know who she is- unconventional wide establishing shot, panning up to the alps, foreign setting sombre music before bus crash see girls face cammile, she is the protagonist as we follow her but then she dies within the first few minutes, is unconventional. relateable to many audiences as most children go on school trips hermeneutic code horror conventions as poeple scream and starts with death. static shot away from the action is unconventional, as many fast paced editing follows the action as death is extreme nd i this case chaotic. confusing with the titles/ captions. "aujourd'hui" dosent give much referance to when the first scene happened if it wasnt present day. intense non-diag...
humans revision
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Question: In what ways can the television industry uniquely convey issues, events and representations? Make reference to Humans in your answer representations: women men sex workers synths/ robots nomads (leo and co) east asians black people british family elderly key scene analysis binary oppositions by young and old hyperreality of supermarket, perfectly stacked and aligned, nothing seems out of place, looks more like how it should be than the reality. humans and synths alike get fixed, makes us seem more like them, we empathise with odie as he seems more innocent, not accountable for his actions. costume- relatable as it is simple and can relate to the time period it was created in, seems less like its in the future and more an alternate reality. represents families in an unconventional way, can be seen to referance or represent adoptive families, odie is not George's birth son and is not even human like him but he accepts him and loves him as his son. p...
unseen analysis: newspaper
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Explore the ways in which representations are encoded through media language in the front page of this edition of The Daily Mail. right wing tabloid- very pro monarchy z-line theory can be applied as the first thing our eyes see is the word "free" showing how the newspaper encodes the representation of british working class. the following thing we see is a section dedicated to the monarchy which are central to british identity. then moves on to a giveaway which further represents the working class royal purple, connotes royalty and the gold ties in welath and power to that. hyperreality- making britain seem "more British" than it is by representing only white british people. shows right wing ideology pushed by the producers. showing the country to be in mourning when it mioght not be as its represented. grammar is not proper, dennotes working class and maybe levels of english. men largest image of man is of one in a suit, suits are a symbollic code of power and sta...