To what extent do representations of gender reflect the socioeconomic context of the TV shows you have studied? Make reference to Humans and Les Revenants 

both les revenants and humans, representation of gender are constructed to reflect the socioeconomic contexts of the time. 

les revenants

social context- traditional gender roles have been mostly dispersed at the time of the show. a good example is lena walking 

economic context- France was booming in the economy at the time of the shows release.


social context- nuclear family, typical and traditional in the uk, becoming less so. the Hawkins family reinforce this idea even though it is set in modern Britain. stereotypical mum and dad, however at first we see the gender roles are reversed as Laura is a lawyer who is working overtime and Joe is at home looking after the children. this is subverting gender roles, which reflects the shift in gender roles in greater society at the time of the show.

Judith butlers gender perfomitivity can be demonstrated through Anita, as she is a synth and literally has to perform her gender as she has been designed to, she has no concept of gender identity. the gender she performs is feminine, characteristics such as being kind, and caring, doing house work. this enforces gender stereotypes which can be seen as not typical of the time as the "traditional" woman ideal is less popular in 21st century Britain.

economic context-


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