key theory 3- Steve Neale- Genres + set text 3- "Kiss of The Vampire"
Genre - categories
genres help producers follow a pattern or a set of genre conventions which can often make it predictable as the audience has clues as to what they should expect. Genre paradigms, also known as genre conventions, are aspects of a media text that demonstrates to the audience what genre a media product fits into.
Key theory 3- steve neale- theories around genre

what we see:
genres help producers follow a pattern or a set of genre conventions which can often make it predictable as the audience has clues as to what they should expect. Genre paradigms, also known as genre conventions, are aspects of a media text that demonstrates to the audience what genre a media product fits into.
Key theory 3- steve neale- theories around genre
- repetition + difference
- helps to further make sense of our world
- Neale believes that genre is essentially instances of "repetition + difference". he suggested that texts need to conform to some generic paradigms to be identifies with a certain genre.
- Over time, genres change (generic fluidity), combine with one another (generic hybridity) and form entirely new genres and subgenres.

what we see:
- bats- a swarm attacking, open mouths and a vicious look.
- blood (typical convention of a genre)
- fangs
- night time
- moon
- castle
- dead tree
- "kiss"
- dead/dying people
- fog/smoke
- produced by hammer film productions and distributed by J Arthur Rank and universal. kiss of the vampire was intended to be the second sequel to 1958's Dracula although the films script actually makes no reference to stokers character.this is perhaps to distance itself from unfavourable comparisons to the superior Christopher Lee who stared in the original film.
- In addition to Dracula, Hammer had, by 1963 success with other "monster movie" franchises such as the mummy and Frankenstein. Distributors universal also saw early success with films in this genre.
- historically, 1963 saw the early stages of "Beatlemania" and the so called "swinging sixties", the assassination of JFK and the soviet union launching the first woman into space.
in many ways this poster includes many common conventions of the horror genre, such as blood, night time and elements of death. this poster acts as a hermaneutic code as it leads the viewer to question who the people in the central image are, what has happened so far to lead up to this point and where is it going. the colour red acts as a semiotic code as it is symbolic and has heavy connotations to blood and danger.
Layout and design:
the main image has the focus drawn in to the centre as the main events are happening towards the midle. to an extent this goes against the z line theory of how we analyse print media, we are almost imdiately drawn to the middle. the main text is placed nearer the top but central and it is large and bold in order to attract the audiences eyes. extras like the names of the actors and directors are in smaller font, at the bottom so it is the last thing are eyes are drawn to.
-establishing shot of main characters and the setting behind them
-full body shot
-dim lighting but still bright enough to focus on characters expressions and body language
-dark background, monotone colours appart from the clothing of some of the characters.
-costumes: both women wearing dresses, glamorous and tight fitting, shows off the womens bodies. men wearing smart clothes e.g. one has a button shirt and trousers.
Language (lexis):
-words "kiss" and "vampire" are contrasting as "kiss" has connotations of love, passion, lust and sex whereas "vampire" is associated with evil, malicious, blood, gore and the horror genre.
-establishing shot of main characters and the setting behind them
-full body shot
-dim lighting but still bright enough to focus on characters expressions and body language
-dark background, monotone colours appart from the clothing of some of the characters.
-costumes: both women wearing dresses, glamorous and tight fitting, shows off the womens bodies. men wearing smart clothes e.g. one has a button shirt and trousers.
Language (lexis):
-words "kiss" and "vampire" are contrasting as "kiss" has connotations of love, passion, lust and sex whereas "vampire" is associated with evil, malicious, blood, gore and the horror genre.
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