Adbusters + woman revision

What is the dominant ideological perspective of Adbusters?

  • What is the ideology/ethos of Adbusters?- anarchist, anti-capitalism and anti-consumerist culture. reject social h

  • How does Adbusters subvert traditional magazine conventions, especially in relation to advertising?

  • How does the magazine interact with its audience?

  • front cover- very little text, unconventional, hard to identify as a magazine. does have some conventions on the side but in smaller print.

women magazine
  • voyeristic scene in the max factor advert, implying women are to be looked at, spectacles for men. the makeup is whats making her appear attractive.
  • conservative magazine, very boring for the time (socio-economical context). done to keep and maintain a dedicated audience to make money.
  • Alfred hitchcock interview, refers to women as similar to inanimate objects furter reinforces and literally objectifies women. says theyre "magic' because they are passive and polite, suggesting he finds the opposite (an actively outspoken woman) to be undesireable and not hegemonically attractive.
compare and contrast the different ways that women and Adbusters position their audiences.

Adbusters is active and woman is passive. adbusters speaks to the audience as if the are the problem and need to change, e.g. anti-consumerist an anti-capitalist, whereas woman tries to convince the audience to do everything that adbusters hate, construct the audience to be reliant on material things.
  • adbusters makes the audience feel bad and guilty for just living and doing menial things, with no positive outcome or solution.
  • woman is more pampering, and a softer nicer mode of address, is still direct but makes you feel good about yourself before selling you something they have convinced you, you need. prefferred reading is light hearted and complimaentary, oppositional is condescending and patronising, reinforced by being created by men-reflects the patriarchal hegemony of the time as we are sold the image of women through the eyes of men.
  • woman in the bath is selling the image of the woman in order to sell the product as you identify with her and want to look like that.


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