Own scene textual analysis- Lena meeting Camille

 Lena meeting Camille for the first time

i) media language used

  • mise-en scene 
  1. costume- Lena's costume can be considered more mature and grown up than Camille, she wears a tank top and short denim shorts, more revealing and more adult and shows her clear maturity compared to her sister. Camille wears a t shirt, is more conservative and childlike a it is innocent. 
  2. room layout- Camille's room has been untouched since she left so child/young teen looking- bright blue colour with posters of teen interests. Lena's room is darker and has a sense of maturity as well as being distinctly different to Camille's which highlights they have grown apart since Camille's death.
  • camera shots- close ups of both Lena and Camille shows the terror and confusion in their faces as they realise the gravity of the situation and just how different they are now, they are visibly scared and/or uncomfortable this also makes uncomfortable as the camera switches between close ups of their faces.
2)preferred reading:
the dominant ideology is that we are also as confused as the characters as we have not yet learnt or seen that Lena and Camille are twins, because of their obvious age difference in the present day we assume they are so shocked as theyre seeing each other again, for Lena, seeing your supposedly dead sister alive again must be terrifying and we as the audience share her sense of disbelief to an extent. its not until the next scene which is the flashback to the day Camille dies, that we learn they are twins and this makes their visible difference so much more confusing and horrific for the characters.

3) the possible negotiated reading:


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