unseen analysis: newspaper

Explore the ways in which representations are encoded through media language in the front page of this edition of The Daily Mail.

  • right wing tabloid- very pro monarchy
  • z-line theory can be applied as the first thing our eyes see is the word "free" showing how the newspaper encodes the representation of british working class. the following thing we see is a section dedicated to the monarchy which are central to british identity. then moves on to a giveaway which further represents the working class
  • royal purple, connotes royalty and the gold ties in welath and power to that.
  • hyperreality- making britain seem "more British" than it is by representing only white british people. shows right wing ideology pushed by the producers. showing the country to be in mourning when it mioght not be as its represented.
  • grammar is not proper, dennotes working class and maybe levels of english.

  • largest image of man is of one in a suit, suits are a symbollic code of power and status. 


  • monarchy in the uk are public figures and are always in the spotlight, often argued they have little to no privacy. in this paper the prince and queen are not shown, there are no pictures suggesting that only now after a death is privacy necessary.

  • binary oppositions seen as different classes and groups in society with different status have death talked about. e.g. the queen and prince have privacy, death is talked about in a respectful way and they are given more physical room on the front cover, by contrast the lower celebrities on the right have their picture shown, are talked about in a brash way "shock cancer death", sharp and straight to the point. they are given less respect and detail as contrasting to the queen and the prince.

introduction para
representation is a secondary presentation of an idea, not the actual item or person but a constructed version of it. this newspaper cover is right winged and very british in its ideals as we see it is patriotic and has a huge respect for the monarchy. the daily mail is a tabloid magazine in the uk


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