discourse analysis- how to assess bias (The sun + Guardian)
bias created through selection and omission the Sun On the home page of The Sun there's lots of articles advertised for the reader to click on but the main story is one centred on ITV's 'I'm a celeb', a popular tv show that is very topical at the moment. The Sun selects certain articles that are very topical and gossip orientated and it's talking in less of a serious tone. As you scroll down there's many celebrity gossip stories around pop-culture, popular tv shows, sex stories and family life. All articles include a photo in many different ways either a paparazzi shot, selfie or social media photo to grab attention of the reader but to also show the reader who the article is talking about as they focus on celebrities. Further down the homepage there are a few more serious articles about politics and missing people but as they are underneath a showbiz manner centred around popular pop-culture topics, it shows the editors focus their attention on goss...