Analysing bias and the construction of representation in The Times and The Daily Mirror

Analysing bias and the construction of representation in The Times and The Daily Mirror


Daily mirror
Headline - A phrase that summarises the main point of the article. Usually in large print and a different style to catch the attention of the reader

Lead Story - Main story, usually a splash

Masthead - Title of the newspaper displayed on the front page "Daily mirror"

Skyline - An information panel on the front page that tells the reader about other stories in the paper to tempt them inside, "Enders Haley glassed by thug"

Stand First - Block of text that introduces the story, normally in a different style to the body text and headline, may surrenders

Byline - The line above the story, which gives the author’s name and sometimes their job and location

Body Text - Also known as copy. Written material that makes up the main part of an article. the body text on the front page is smaller than the heading, possible reflecting the audiences need for simplistic and bold writing in order to capture their attention

Centre Spread - A photograph, often in full colour, that runs across the middle two pages

Caption - Brief text underneath an image describing the photograph or graphic

The Times

Headline - A phrase that summarises the main point of the article. Usually in large print and a different style to catch the attention of the reader "driven to despair"

Lead Story - Main story, usually a splash, on Theresa may and the chaos of Brexit. relevant and reflects the panic of the people at current times, "driven to despair 

Main Image - Dominant picture, often filling much of the front cover, a huge close up shot of the PMs face, extra focus on her and what she stands for, more about the face behind the action that the actual subject of Brexit. 

Masthead - Title of the newspaper displayed on the front page "The Times".

gutter- the space between columns, it is kept very short here in order to fit more factual an relevant information. keeps it looking tidy. 


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