introduction to newspapers

two types of newspaper:

  •  informal
  •  bigger fonts 
  •  social topics e.g.celebrity gossip and reality tv

  • formal
  • tidier smaller fonts
  • more important news topics e.g. environmental issues, science development. 
key features of a newspaper:
  • headlines- usually only four or five words. It tries to attract the interest of the reader by telling them what the story is about, in a short and interesting way.
  • by-line- who wrote the article 
  • body text- provides more details about the event more importantly answering the question how and why. it is written material, known as copy, that makes up the main body of an article rather than headlines,
  • stand-first and captions.
  • Masthead- the name of the newspaper that is publishing the paper. placed at the top of the front page.
  • pull quotes- a quote from the story that is enlarged and appears within the text.
  • lead image- the main image on the cover.
  • centre spread- a picture that spreads across two pages.
  • gutter- the space between two columns of writing.
  • furniture- the extra stuff such as boxes and lines across the page.
  • lead story- the main event/ story being reported on. 
  • captions- the sentence or two below an image explaining what is going on. 
  • stand alone- Picture story that can exist on its own or on a front page leading to a story inside.
deconstruction of "Daily express" newspaper:
  • font is tapered at the end, more classy and less bold and bubble looking, easier on the eyes.
  • shapes- in the middle there is a knight with a shield, on the shield there is st Georges cross (England flag) encoding the idea of patriotism. traditional views that have to be protected. 
  • colours- red is powerful and stands out.
  • words- "express" could mean like fast or quicker but also like expressing views, opinions and information.
  • strap-line shows views a.k.a union jack saying "we're backing Britain".
  • all the patriotism could connote that the newspaper is right-wing and has traditional british rules and opinions.


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