formation recap

 "how is black identity encoded in the music video formation by Beyonce?"

  • representation question- ways in which this media product constructs the world, producers encode meaning and their ideology
  • African american identity is different to african identity- as a result of slavery, many african americans dont know where they are from so as a result have had to create their own new identity which differs.
  • reference to hurricane Katrina- black community were neglected, shows with the establishing shot of Beyonce on the police car. voice over anchors the meaning as it says what happened in new orleans 
  • reference to lgbt community then contrasted by pastor at the alter, dance sexuality and fashion then beliefs and religion. multiple representations of black culture, larger than just a umbrella term.
  • antebellum era in the south, references to slavery and slave owners status, the fact that Beyonce as a black woman is wearing this costume is very powerful as she is reclaiming this (reappropriation). shows the change in status she hold as a modern black woman. powerful confident representation.
  • bricolage- blend if different things
  • use of AAVE- words like "y'all", "slay" embedded thorough, first word she opens with. the word yall is southern but has been taken on as AAVE and is used by African americans all over the country. mix of southern culture and black southern culture.
  • dance moves such as twerking stems from bounce music that came from the new orleans black community- is now become a huge export and has changed and has become sexualised and fetished as its sen as exotic.
  • beyonce sexualising herself but to feel confident, for herself and other women to see it and feel comfortable enough to do the same and feel liberated.
  • parade- central to new orleans black community, coming together and sense of unity
  • right fist stands for standing with black community.
  • areas where black or POC people live are over policed and seen as dangerous and violent, juxtaposed through the little boy dancing innocently.
  • institutionalised racism is huge in the us, meaning it goes beyond individuals being racist but states and institutions are inherently racist.
  • black youth are villanised, young boy wears hoodie and tracksuit, often sees and associated with gang culture and violence.
  • raising hands in church, vs the surrender symbol of raising your hands.
  • generational trauma, passed on to younger generations, raised with these issues being in the front of their mind, not changing at a fast enough rate as these issues are still prevalent in modern day societies.
  • costume- black identity is constructed and encodes through costume such as uniquely black hair styles, braids afros. lyrics also embrace black beauty without feeling the need to change and conform to Eurocentric standards. referencing the past and the influence modern black culture.
  • black hair shop- has great importance as wigs can reprsent protective hairstyles, but also the opression black women have faced because of their natural hair and being told that thye need to seem more like europeans.

what is the dominant ideology of the producer and how do we know?
  • politically inter textual references are featured throughout such as first scene/shot of beyonce on a submerged police car, kid dancing in front of a line of police officers, refenece to civil rights movement in 60s with newspaper of martin luther king- majorly impotant to african american identity and culture as he was someone who helped push for equal rights
  • antebellum era in the south, referances to slavery and slave owners status, the fact that beyonce as a black woman is wearing this costume is very powerful as she is reclaiming this (reappropriation). shows the change in status she hold as a moderm black woman. powerful confident representation. 


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