section C- online media

 task: find evidence for or against these statements....

  • social media, online media and digitally convergent media have become more powerful than governments.  trump attempts to ban tiktok in US, however after large uproar and decision by judge, it didn't happen.

  • Online media relies on engagement - encouraging user click through and interaction to develop habits where the user will keep returning (e.g. Instagram). This is essential in maintaining profit and financial gain.

explore page and instagram having a shopping section where they recommend

  • Never being subject to traditional forms of regulation, Online Media presents a literally impossible to understand, hyperreal collage of news, fake news, ideology, hatred, advertising and videos of cats...

regulation happens once the video is seen, instagram and tiktok can take videos down 

  • There is no differentiation between these forms, leading to a form of hyper convergence with no hope of differentiating between previously distinct forms of media.

  • With no impediment to posting, extreme ideologies such as holocaust denial, pro-eating disorders, rape threats and images of abuse can be shared with relative impunity.

  • And yet, the internet can potentially collect all human knowledge, can allow the sharing of artistic endeavours with positive impact.

 is the most important aspect of online media in generating profit and revenue. it could be a click, scroll, playing a video likes, comments. all this activity is monitored with all users encouraged to develop habits where they keep coming back and engaging with the content. this is particularly prevalent with social media such as instagram.

task: select an influencer and complete a textual analysis of their insta page considering:
  • How do they ensure audience engagement?
she post frequently and regularly, posts like photos, videos, reels, stories and IGTV, making use of all the features IG provides. she has other platforms that she talks about and promotes on her page such as her youtube channel and podcast (both with florence also) and other times she has featured on shows such as BBC sounds podcats "tricky"
  • How do they ensure financial gain?
often gets sponsorship so earns money through ads and promoting different products, youtube earns some income and podcast also. her Instagram account is more to do with her activism and personal life but can be used as a marketing tool for ways to earn income such  as through platforms like youtube.
  • How do they use lexis and language to attract audiences?
focuses around sex and body positivity plus mental health and sexuality. in her videos like stories or IGTV series, she talks a lot about these topics and how important it is to have a conversation about "taboo" subjects 
  • How do they display convergence? (links to other media/products) 
  • How do they develop audience habits (encouraging the audience to come back) 
  • The posts themselves (costume, make-up, lighting, framing, representation..) 


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