les revenants- at a glance + genre




Performance, character archetypes and characterisation

Representation - 

Hermeneutic codes and enigmas

Generic conventions and atypical features. Zombie? Drama? Mystery? Cult? Horror? 'New French extreme'???



Les Revenants (french for "the returned") is a french supernatural drama television series created by fabrice Gobert based on the 2004 french film "they came back" directed by Robin Campillo. The series debuted on 26 november 2012 on Canal + and completed its first season consisting of eight episodes. on 17 deccember in 2013 the first season won an international emmy for best drama series.
  • 26 Nov 2012 on canal+
  • united kingdom 9 June 2013 on channel 4
  • 2 series, 8 episodes each
  • created by Fabrice Gobert
  • based on the French film " they came back " (les revenants - directed by Robin Campillo 2004)
Les revenants is difficult to categorise by genre. it won an international Emmy for best Drama series in 2013. it has elements of supernatural horror text. Wikipedia classifies it as a "supernatural drama". whilst IMDB classifies it as a "drama, fantasy horror". Rotten tomatoes classifies it as "Mystery/Suspense". Gabriel Tatte in the guardian calls it "A Zombie series like no other".

Key theory 3- Steve Neales theories around genre.

genres exist so we can find comfort in familiarity and what we enjoy, however products within a genre must have similarities and differences to be interesting to an audience. Les revenants does this as it has similarities to supernatural/ drama/horror genres. it is similar that we have familiar shots such as Simon in the mirror, typical of horror. similar to supernatural in the sense that there is confusion and things happen that are not "normal" e.g. people coming back from the dead. however it is also seen as different to the conventions of the horror genre as there is little jump scares, blood and supposed to be scary whereas, Les revenants is different in that it isnt particularly scary or gory. these differences attract an audience as its Avant- garde and we are interested in seeing how these differences work.

But what genres can it be seen to apply to anyways?
  • Horror
 creepy still frame in the mirror, horr-esque shot tat is common in the horror genre

  • Supernatural
 as if something isn't quite right, things aren't as they seem. whats happening dosent fit with "normal" or conventional. paranormal
eerie and uncomfortable, seems an unnatural position and an unnatural stillness.

  • drama

  • avant-garde(unorthodox)

  • zombie

  • French

zombie sub genre
  • mortality                                                              
  • rising from the dead
  • the undead
  • pale faces
  • creepy child (victor)
  • movement en masse- the hoarde
  • cinematography- dusk (dark dim lighting)
  • soft focus
  • attack on lucy
  • shock jump scares
  • mist and darkness
  • narrative fragmented- flashbacks
  • enigmas- where have they come from?
Les revenants does have elements of the zombie genre however it could be argued that they are highly Atypical

what are the genre conventions of Les Revenants?

"in the 21st centrury it is essential for tv shows to offer multiple meanings" - evaluate this claim with referance to les revenants

genre is a way of categorising media products such as films and series' into groups of similar styles of production or narrative. it helps the audience find items that seem familiar therefore possibly comforting. Les revenants is a drama series that was released in 2012 and produced by canal+.the show was then distributed by channel 4 to british audiences in 2013. it was created y Fabrice Gobert and was based on the film "les revenants" 2004. two seasons were aired and the product had a small but loyal and enthusiastic fanbase. you could argue that les revenants is more subvertive in they way it "fits" into the many genres its found under. this is also known as polysemy, meaning that it demonstrates different meanings, depending on the way you choose to interpret it. i will discuss the ways in whuich it sticks to or subverts conventions of genres.
in the first opening scene 


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