Post modernism and Hyper-reality

postmodernism and Hyper-reality

hyper-reality- beyond reality and the boundaries weve known. a representation of nothing, something that does not exist but through the use of hyper imagery audiences now confuse the signs of th real for the real. and often the hyper real is more attractive than reality.

simulacra - a copy of a copy, a representation of a representation. something that makes refenace to something else (like intertextuality)

simulation - an imitation of something real

key theory 5- post-modernism - jean Baudrillard

in post modern culture the boundaries between the real world and  the world of the media have collapsed and that is no longer possible to distinguish between what is reality and what is simulation. in fact it no longer matters which is which.

therefore in this postmodern age of simulacra, audiences are constantly bombarded with images which no longer reffer to anything "real". because of this we are no longer in a situation that media images have come to seem more "real" than the reality they supposedly represent. this concept is reffered to as hyper-reality.


  • criticisms of metanarratives - post modern texts usually try to distance themselves from traditional ways of creating meaning, and will break the rules of existing metanarrartives such as religion or science

the whole existence of youtube, user generated content means that narrative has changed and we create meaning for our media products in whichever way we chose. normally in very unconventional ways.

  • rejection of high culture - post modern texts will often use a deliberately trashy aesthetic even tho they iten e.g. clothing is designer and expensive.

Someone paid art gallery $120,000 for a banana duct-taped to a wall | Metro  News

Distressed Clothing: Offensive or Just Fashion? - WSJ

  • style over substance - surface meanings are seen as more important than any deeper meaning. 



  • breaking rules - often break fundamental rules of media e.g. breaking the fourth wall.

  • intertextuality


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