set text magazines, Woman(1964) +modern comparison

- week ending august 29 (1964)
- beatlemania (cultural revolution, music art and film)
- JFK assasination- camelot- hope
- decade before (50s) was more make do and mend after the war whereas the 60s was more about spending and feeling more free. shift to consumerism "shop and spend"
- 60s was a sexual revolution, sense of female liberation.
- freedom in fashion- women in trousers
- introduction of contraceptive pill + married women's act (enables women to get a larger amount of financial independence)
- published by an organisation called IPC
- this magazine was selling roughly 3 million copies a week in 1960
- this front cover is not using the celebrity image instead it uses the average woman, not someone distinctly recognisable but someone we can identify.
- pull quote from Alfred Hitchcock, very recognisable famous film maker. representing that men should be more heard than women, more important to listen to.
- "worlds greatest weekly for women" represents its demographic as being part of the best, aspirational. demographic is working- middle class, women from about 25-50.
- read this magazine to see how they can make improvements to their lives, beauty tips, "improvements" "goes lively". about makeup, lingerie, all quite superficial (denotes the representation of women in this magazine".
- lexis is creating enigma code "british women have a special magic". acts as an enigma code
- Alfred Hitchcock the director, picked women of a particular sort, he was good at turning actors into stars.
- eye-contact, direct address, breaking third wall with the audience. young and looks ,like she takes pride in her appearance, high maintenance, very well done up, looking perky and happy.
- identify with the magazine, very little requirements to be able to feel included in the demographic. everything in the magazine gives indication of what makes a good woman, plays into our societal fears of "are we good enough for men", qualifying your success as a woman, high standards to live up to. about promoting being the best possible woman with the help of products.
- ties into men look good because of hard work and women are expected to just appear and look perfect as we are an object of admiration to be looked at. the section that is all about aesthetics, buys into concept that we are to look pretty.
- there is an ideal- homogeneous view of what is considered "beautiful". highly problematic! leads back to the pariarchal ideology.
- magazine industry are part of a series of cultural objects that convince women that'll make them believe that to be successful is derived of their beauty, if theyre concerned about looks more then women will be less focused on other important things that traditionally men would do like run the country.

- this edition of good house keeping was released in 2019, 55 years after the "woman" cover.
- during a decade that values equality and unity, with things like gay marriage being legalized in more and more countries, majorly less segretation between races in western countries.
- Barrack obama (michelles husband) became the fisrt bi-racial president of USA in 2008.
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