in depth analysis: the Times set text


  • owned by news uk- rupert murdoch (left wing against theresa may) anything she does he could twist against her, this is including political bias in the newspaper. 

codes and conventions- numbers in red, red connotes danger and panic. her being in the car can act as a proairectic code as it could imply that the government and this country is going to crash much like a car would.

layout and design- main image is a candid photo of the PM, central to the page, shes not picture ready, off guard. the image is very polysemic, can be interpreted in multiple ways as er facial expression is very ambiguous. image is anchored by the headline.

lexis- negative,  playing on the theme surrounding a car, "driven", "crash" anchoring the image and the text. metaphors about the car. the car crashing can be reflective of ruperts left wing ideology. Alliteration is shown in "driven to despair", make it more catchy and appealing.
composition- top right of the image there is the corner of a rear view mirror. bottom of the image you cans see a shadow that appears to be a dashboard, showing that its an informal picture, candid without her knowing.

 images/phototgraps- extreme close up shot of therea mays face, almost uncomfotbale close and unflattering. low- mid shot.

Mise-en-scène- harsh, focused lighting, almost like an over exposed image becuase if the camera flashes, further shows that its informal.the colours in the central image are quite dull and mostly neutral toned apart from her redish lipstick. the blueish colours that are vsible could connote the cold hearted nature of the people in government as many think that theyre ignoring "the voice of the people", also as we know blue is the coulour of the EU flag alongside the yellow stars, making the word "brexit" synonymous with those two colours. her makeup seems very muted and not exactly heavy or elegant further connoting that she was unprepeared for this shot.

Anchorage of image and text- 


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