Versimilitude and Utopia analysis

-"the appearance of truth"
- every set text has its own set of rules and situations. however there are many things that can break versimilitude, depending on genre.
-each genre has its own rules regarding versimilitude.

Utopia trailer
what genre does it fit in to?
-Distopian horror
-Psychological thriller

-Distopian horror
  • government in control
  • doomsday event 
  • single honey bee in a field
  • making something safe feel unsettling- e.g. Rabbit + bight colours 
  • contrast between perfetc places (hotel lobby, gentlemans club, field and park) and rundown areas (office building, abandoned comic store, boarded up windows)
  • horror- scary drawings, eerie anatomical drawings
  • hostage
  • slo mo falling from building 
  • moon at night
  • surveillance 
-Psychological thriller
  • drug trip- bright colours
  • reality vs. dream world
  • gas scene drugs
  • dreamlike sequences mirrors the inner mind 
conspiracy -comics have a logo on the "heros" which could be linked to the government, symbols


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