This girl can, what about you?

this girl can ad
camera work (cinematography)

  • close ups of conventionally "unflattering" parts of women's bodies e.g "love handles", belly, and "flabby bits".
  • low angle- powerful
  • wide shots - active
  • solo shots then contrasted with team/ communities of people

  • body positivity messages on screen longer than other shots
  • syncronised sound + cuts 
  • 1-2 second cuts

  • non diagetic sound - "get your freak on" by Missy Elliot
  • diagetic sound of women catching their breath

  • realistic lighting- sweat, exerting themselves
  • sportswear- "skin showing" 
  • diversity of people, ages, sex, race, ability and class.
stereotypes- a commonly held belief about a certain group of people.


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