Radio- own BBC sounds analysis

 Bad people, episode 15: "insanity"


  • aimed at young adults possible aimed at 18-30 years old, targets people interested in crime and psychology, probably educated to an extent. also may be targetted at women, show is presented by two women, 
  • attracts audience as it has a strong title "bad people" is heavy and intruiging as it could have many meanings, sounds eerie and the podcast cover has red connoting blood or danger possibly violence. also iconography of police tape- crime scene.
  • can be interpreted in 


  • produced by bbc- hosted by Dr Julia Shaw and comedian Sofie Hagen. podcast so found on BBC sounds.
  • radio as an industry has changed majorly and because of advancing technology, can now be listed to live on mobile devices or "on demand" on the bbc website and other sites. now has a much wider reach, and way more accessible.
  • this show is likely made not for profit but for entertainment.
  • regulation is not as effiecient, you are trusted in being honest when listening online, pop up- appears and asks if youre 18 if there is mature content.
  • applying theory- curran and seatons power and media industry- is produced by BBC who is a large conglomerate owning the right to many shows, channels, radio stations and own many parts og the line of production such as studios, media convergence (vertical intergration).


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