Humans mini mock
‘To what extent does the first episode of Humans conform to conventions of the Sci-fi genre’? Blog post to support planning Argument Key Scenes (technical codes!) Theory you could apply Media Language Is typical of the genre, is futuristic, and robots are a real scientific discovery, sentient AI is a real life concern, is possible, Humans is futuristic but fictional, can give the illusion of what our future holds. Full automation. Everything is possible, dosen’t look out of the ordinary, much like our everyday lives, isn't something that would never happen in our lifetimes. Humans acts as an allegory, a comment on broader society which is very common in the sci fi genre. Metaphors such as slavery, reminence of uks colonial past Pre credit sequence, a warehouse full of human like robots. Can be futuristic or an alternate reality. First getting anita, setting her up. Credit sequence shows rea...